- Ready Reckoner Online tool to estimate the potential impacts on federal budgetary revenues that would arise from adjusting various federal tax rates, credits, and brackets.
- Personnel Expenditure Analysis Tool The government’s largest operating cost is its staff – personnel spending accounts for roughly 60 per cent of federal government’s operating costs. This interactive tool allows users to compare trends across time for overall government spending or a single department.
- Public debt charges calculator This tool is designed to provide an estimate of the interest costs resulting from new policy proposals and budgetary measures.
- PBO's COVID-19 Analysis Microsite featuring the PBO's COVID-19 analysis products, designed to assist Canadians and parliamentarians gauge the potential implications of the pandemic on the Canadian economy and the Government’s finances.
- FSR At-a-Glance The *At-a-Glance* tool visualizes and summarizes key drivers of fiscal sustainability for each province and territory over the long run from our latest Fiscal Sustainability Report.
- Force Structure Model of Canada’s military The PBO Force Structure Model of Canada’s military consists of an independent estimation of annual personnel, operations, and sustainment (POS) costs of 21 identified military capabilities across all branches of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), based on multiple years of accounting data provided by the Department of National Defence.
- Canada Disability Benefit Tool The PBO CDB tool is designed to allow users to obtain estimates of the annual cost of their own version of the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB).
- Parliamentary Financial Cycle Navigator The Parliamentary Financial Cycle Navigator helps users track the activities that take place throughout the fiscal year. It enables users to see what has been published and provides easy access to key documents. Additionally, the tool highlights existing and upcoming PBO reports that support parliamentarians in analyzing the Government's spending plans for the current fiscal year.