Values and Ethics Code


This Values and Ethics Code (the “Code”) is intended to offer a broad range of guidance about the standards of conduct expected of employees, but no code can address every situation that could arise or could result in an actual, potential or perceived breach. For this reason, this Code does not relieve persons governed by it of the responsibility to exercise good judgment and, in circumstances where they are unsure of the proper course of action, to seek appropriate guidance.

This Code recognizes that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees such freedoms as freedom of expression and freedom of association, and such rights as democratic rights and legal rights, subject only to reasonable limits prescribed by law.

1. Application

2. General Rules of Conduct

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Engaging in Outside Activities

5. Gifts and Other Benefits

6. Political Activities

7. Dealing with the Media

8. Social Media

9. Corrective measures

10. Reporting of Wrongdoings

11. Miscellaneous